Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Step into the darkness.

I have been enjoying these last few weeks of summer before I head back into a new school year. God has really been working this summer and showing me who I am in Him and how I can better live my life according to His purpose and to recognize Him in everything. I've mentioned before how much I love reading anything written by Robin Jones Gunn and I just finished "Christy and Todd: The College Years" and the first book in "The Married Years" (which was wonderful!). The thing I love most about Robin's writings is that she intertwines God and scriptures so exquisitely into her books. It really provokes my thoughts about faith and God and is sort of like a mini-Bible study. The first book when Christy and Todd are married is focused on remaining faithful in Christ and trusting that He is present in every situation. I really enjoyed all of the scripture passages that went along with this book, which led to many quality devotion times with God. These times also provided me with hope and joy for the upcoming school year. I know that I can depend on God for every little thing and that He always provides for me. I love the passage in Exodus 20:21 where Moses has just received the 10 commandments and the people were still doubting that God would take care of them. The part that I love is when it says, "As the people stood in the distance, Moses approached the dark cloud where God was." Moses stepped out into the darkness not knowing where he would go or what would happen, but he trusted God. The lesson I gleaned from this passage was to not be afraid to step out in to the "darkness" and to trust that God is ALWAYS there and ALWAYS has a plan and purpose for us.

My hope and prayer for you and me is that we would boldly trust Christ and step out into the darkness. Whether you are heading back to school, starting a new job, or embarking on a new and unknown journey, you can rest in the fact that God is with you. He will never forsake you and provides for every need. When we don't know what is next, we can have confidence that God is waiting there for us in the midst of the unknown darkness.

"To the King and His Kingdom. To His mysterious ways and His perfect timing!" -RJG

Be blessed this week, dear children of God!

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