Thursday, August 18, 2016

Just Sit Back & Relax.

Some days life can get busy and you need to take a moment to breathe. The new school year is quickly approaching and already seems as if it will be full of things to do. In an effort to provide myself with some comfort and relaxation in the midst of new schedules and assignments and other activities, I thought I would make a list of things that are calming and help me unwind. Hopefully, you can find some of these tips helpful if you are in a busy season.

Baths //
I love to take a bath every once in a while. I usually will go to Lush and pick out a bath bomb that smells good and then fill up my tub, light a candle, and read a good book or watch a relaxing show while I take a bath. My favorite time to take a bath is at Christmas break because I am free of school work until new classes start in January and I don't feel rushed.

Showers before bed //
I am a morning shower-er by habit (and it seems to work out best for my hair and face too). I love waking up and feeling fresh after a shower, but sometimes you just need to have two showers in a day! This summer I have discovered that taking a shower before bed every so often is very relaxing. I love the scent of my rose shampoo on my hair as I go to sleep and the warm water is quiet and relaxing as I get ready for bed.

Baking //
Baking is very therapeutic for me. It's so nice to just be quiet and mix together various ingredients that turn into something delicious. If you're not a scratch baker, even mixing together a box mix is calming. The other morning I turned on some Hawaiian music and ocean sounds, lit a candle, and made coconut chocolate chip scones. It was so nice to enjoy that quiet moment while it rained outside.

A cup of tea and a good story //
If you know me at all, you know my absolute favorite author is Robin Jones Gunn. Anything she writes is wonderful! I am reading through the Glenbrooke series for the 3rd or 4th time and they are still as good as the first time I read them. Reading those books makes me wish Glenbrooke was a real place and that I could be sitting in a comfy chair by a fireplace in a cottage reading a RJG book. Each time I read her books I feel compelled to make a cup of tea and find a cozy spot to sit and enjoy it in. This is one of my favorite things to do and makes me feel relaxed.

Arranging flowers //
If I weren't going to be a teacher after I graduate, I would be a florist or the owner of a B&B. (Who knows...maybe I still will be ;) ). I've always loved flowers and arranging them is fun and relaxing. If I need to be cheered up, I'll probably buy a group of different flowers and arrange them in a bouquet in my favorite little polka-dot pitcher or a mason jar. I recently made 3 arrangements for my mom's birthday and that was so fun. (a little picture is below) If you need a little cheer in your home, buy some flowers and get to it!

A truth that I find comforting and calming is found in Psalm 91:2. It says,
"This I declare about the LORD: 
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; 
he is my God, and I trust him."
I love that we can come and rest in Christ. He is the place where we can go where we are always safe and can fully relax and unwind. He is so good and so sovereign. What a blessing it is to sit at His feet and worship Him and study His Word! I'm so thankful that He is my place of refuge.

I hope you enjoyed this post and will join me next week for another post! Sorry for my posts being a few days off this week. Look for a recipe post tomorrow!

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