Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pursuing God Everyday.

God loves it when we seek Him out in everything. Whether we’re walking the dog, doing the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, chopping vegetables, searching for a parking spot, conversing with friends, or even taking a shower, we can choose to sweetly converse with and worship Christ. For a while I thought that prayer had a certain posture, one that was rigid and stiff. But the reality I found was that we can come to God with our petitions and praises anytime. Alongside this freedom to call out to Christ in the midst of anything, He asks to meet with us in private. 
Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” 
Personally, I have found that I can hear the Lord speaking best when I am quiet and alone with Him away from all distractions. The place I have found in my house where I can be with Christ and go unbothered is in my closet on the floor. All I take with me is my Bible and prayer journal. This is the place where I can pour out my heart’s desires to Christ and my petitions to know what His Will is for me. I recommend that everyone find a spot to meet God and consistently meet Him there. Sometimes our schedules become busy and we have to find alternate ways to meet Christ. I’ve come up with 5 ways that you can converse daily with Christ and hopefully they can inspire you to meet Christ more frequently. (In a Bible study I am following, I learned that faithfulness breeds faithfulness. God is always faithful to meet us and if we are faithful to meet Him he will fill us with His love that will in turn spill out onto others!)

While you walk.
I love to listen to sermons when I walk with my dog. It is a time that I am by myself aside from waving “hello” to the maintenance people or neighbors on their porches. It gives me a chance to listen to the teaching of God’s Word, to pray for our world and the neighbors whose houses I am walking past.

While you shower.
Worshiping, thinking, and praying in the shower are THE best. You are definitely by yourself in there and can just be quiet while you worship the One True King. Just turn on the Pandora Hillsong radio, jump in the shower, and begin to worship and pray!

While you eat.
Of course you pray before you eat, but you can also spend this time reflecting on God’s goodness. I really enjoy eating my breakfast in a quiet place by myself when I am at home. It is nice to sit and be still while getting some nourishment for the day. I have a little spiral-bound 3x5 card thing that I have written verses on that stuck out to me and that is nice to go through while I am eating breakfast.

When you relax.
Sometimes life gets busy and you have to do something nice for yourself. Get your nails done or paint them yourself, take a bath, read a good book, play the piano, bake something wonderful! I love those moments of quietness where I can just talk to God and listen to what He has to tell me.

When you run errands.
Running errands can be tedious sometimes, but choosing to focus on Christ and what He has blessed you with makes things a lot better. And driving is more fun with worship music!

I hope you enjoyed this little list of ways to worship and pursue God daily. I pray that you will be able to incorporate some of these ideas into your everyday schedule or maybe be inspired to find a different way to pursue Christ everyday.

I would like to begin a new thing where I share a recipe I have tried recently every Thursday. This will most likely be inconsistent with school starting soon, but I hope to share a recipe every Thursday until that happens! Join me next week for another post and have an AWESOME day!

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