Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Take A Break.

{my painting}

Tonight we had a floor crafting party! It was nice to "get away" from school, homework, and stress and just "be" with the girls on my floor. It was a wonderful time of just sitting in each other's company and listening to our stories about life. It is so amazing to see how God is working in my life and the other girl's lives on my floor. I'm so thankful to have had this opportunity to sit with them and learn more about them. Here's to more crafting and bonding times!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Land that I love.

I love the South. It’s my home and I’m proud to be from there. I’m enchanted by everything that makes it unique. Sweet tea is our house wine and macaroni is a vegetable. I love that football games are the place to be on Friday nights and that everyone watches college ball on Saturdays. Beautiful flowers dripping from windowsills and khudzu and ivy crawling up the sides of old homes. Sitting on porch swings with loved ones and making apple pies with Grandma. Southern drawls make everything sound perfect and sweet and bless your heart. Everyone’s nickname is “sugar” or “honey” and fireflies are our nightlights. Tea parties with fine china and little sandwiches are just as fun as barbeques with family and friends. Church bazaars and antique stores brim with little trinkets and treasures. Mason jars are a staple. Farmers markets are fun on the weekends and homemade food is the crème de la crème. Going to church on Sunday is just as essential as waking up in the morning. Small towns are dreamy and after dinner strolls are a must. Trips to the beach are a summertime tradition and hushpuppies go right along with sweet friends and company. Country roads were meant for long drives and wildflowers were meant to be picked. Nothing is really yours until it’s monogrammed and pearls are essential. Pink and polka dots go with everything. Hard work is built into us and helping out our neighbors is as natural as eating ice cream. The South is magical and I’ll always love it. Someday, I’ll return there.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Thankful for home.

In the spirit of welcoming the new year, I want to list some things I was thankful for over my Christmas break spent at home.
  1. Showering in my own CLEAN bathroom without shower shoes.
  2. Having my room to myself and not being woken up before I had to be.
  3. Being able to get ready leisurely and not having to rush to class.
  4. Home cooked meals.
  5. Cooking and baking.
  6. Seeing my family for the first time since August.
  7. Being home!
  8. Not having to pay for laundry or wait for an open washer/dryer.
  9. Time to relax and get rid of pent up stress.
  10. Time to think.
  11. Solid time with God.

Although I enjoy being at school and with my friends, I truly enjoyed being home. There is just something about being away from it all that relaxes me and helps me “recuperate” after a stressful, yet fun first semester at college. I pray that during this next semester I will focus on what is important and not fuss over smaller details, but be thankful for what I have been gifted with. College is a time for growth and now is the time to take the opportunity because college is a one-time experience! I hope y’all have the most wonderful day!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
-James 1:17


here is a list of verses on being thankful J

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Word and Verse.

Looking back on this past year, many things have changed and I have changed as well. From starting to college to growing as a person, there are many things to share. When I graduated high school I thought I knew what I wanted and that I knew how a lot of things worked, but the truth is….I didn’t. God has made it evident over the past few months that ultimately He is in control and all things work out for those who love Him. At the beginning of this year I realize that this will be a good year. A good year for growth in my spiritual life, academic life, and personal life. A while back I heard about picking a word for the year. I tried that once, but quickly forgot. This year I feel as if God is pointing me towards the word “thankful” and realizing all of the gifts and blessings that are ahead of me as I walk in His light. The other night as I was reading my devotions I read Jeremiah 29:11. I have read this verse multiple times and always thought it was everyone’s “go to” verse. This time was different. I realized that He does have a plan for me and He wants me to prosper in the plan He has laid out for me. This year I will trust in knowing that He has a plan in every situation I go through and that He is faithful.


Monday, January 5, 2015

Hello & Welcome.

Hey y’all, I’m Callie! College student, a Christian, crafter, cook, and a misplaced Southerner in the Midwest (but that’s God’s plan) are just a few things that describe me. I love hearing people’s stories of the journeys they’re on and what an impact God has made. I hope that my little blog will be another display of God’s glory and a place where I can share my stories of triumph and trial throughout my college experience and my walk down the path to becoming a teacher. I also hope you will enjoy my little blog with a little Southern flare.       
