Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Be encouraged.

Life has been a little crazy (but good) since returning to school. It has been so nice to reunite with old friends and get re-adjusted back into college life. I can already tell that God has His hand on this school year and already is and will continue to work mightily. I pray that the habits I cultivated this summer of boldly approaching His throne of grace daily will continue as my schedule begins to fill with assignments due, tests to be studied for, clinical hours to be observed, and fun times to be had. I am only halfway through the second week of school and have realized how much I need to say, "Give me Jesus" everyday. Navigating through His Word and seeking to understand it more in order to be a better reflection of Him is so, so important in this season of life. I pray that I would be encouraged this year by His faithfulness and love and learn to be an encourager of the same. I pray that when I grow weary, I would turn immediately to Christ and be filled with His deep, unexplainable joy! My whole-hearted desire is to know and be known by the One who is fully enough for me!

I don't know what these next few weeks will look like as far as regular postings, as I am figuring out my school, observation, and work schedules. Hopefully, I'll find a rhythm and be able to post some fun things for you! I hope you'll be patient and stick around as I navigate this new season :)

Weekly Truth:
"But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made this Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do."
-Psalm 73:28

1 comment:

  1. Love this! It's been a crazy overwhelming week for me. In the moment, it is so easy to try and take things into our own hands instead of turning to God for strength. I hope you start feeling comfortable with your new schedule. I know it's been difficult for me, as well.
