Thursday, June 16, 2016

Acknowledge His Glory.

The other night as I sat in bed doing my devotions, I was struck by a line from my devotional book and the meaning of a popular worship song (Break Every Chain by Will Reagan). I love “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young because it has a devotion for each day of the year. Each one is written as if God is speaking to you and includes scripture references at the bottom of each. The one for June 15 was about coming to meet Christ in stillness and letting everything fade away while talking to Him through prayer. The second part of the devotion talked about God’s glory. The part that stuck out to me was this, “The tangible world still reflects My Glory, to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear.” What an awesome thought that our awesome God reveals His glory to us in the everyday. We can see Him in the flowers, the contrast of colors in the sky and on the ground, hearing a bird sing, a dog bark at the mailman, or seeing the joy of the Lord in someone’s smile. I love the part where it says that the best way to notice and acknowledge His glory and develop “seeing eyes and hearing ears” in the everyday is to spend time alone with Him. I can definitely tell a difference in myself when I spend time alone with God compared to not taking that time out of my day. I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to spend time with Christ and to reflect on His goodness in my life while also talking about everything, surrendering, and expressing praise to Him through prayer. God is so good y’all! My prayer is that each one of you will encounter God in a special way and be able to acknowledge His great glory and awesomeness in the everyday. 

Weekly Truth:

“They were calling out to each other, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!’”                       -Isaiah 6:3

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